Friday, January 8, 2010

Denise Made What?

So I'm, like, on a roll with the blogging -- knocking out two posts in one night, but post-dating to keep things from piling up (I'm sly like that). But already I'm stumped. I'm telling you, this is why the blog is going to be so handy. I seriously cannot remember the things that I cook and why we liked or didn't like them or what I did right or wrong. And now, even less than a week in, I'm like "Denise Made What?"

Let's see... if Sunday was Super Bowl Casserole and Monday was leftover casserole with green salad, what the hell was Tuesday? It's been kind of a week of on-hand concoctions, so it couldn't have been too exciting.

Insert long, temple-rubbing pause here.

Oh yeah, I remember now. I was so proud of myself because I made it another day without a trip to the grocery, was able to try a new recipe, and used up the final bits of the broccoli leftover from New Years Eve. Well, one has to question if it's really "leftover" if it was never even served. I kind of loss sight of vegetable trays when the keg of Half Acre's Daisy Cutter was finally tapped and consequently the broccoli never made it out of the fridge.

Daisy Cutter, you ask? What can I say? It's a new favorite. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

In any case, I'll leave you in suspense for now. More on the broccoli-finishing concoction later...

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